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Jack aus Maine möchte mit seiner 66er C2 Europa bereisen - Tipps? - Druckversion

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- schneidmeister - 12.09.2012

Jack, the 16th is too early for Munich. When you come to Munich in September, you must go to the "Oktoberfest". Trinken

[Bild: blick-auf-das-oktoberfest.jpg]

Klick for more information


- mark69 - 12.09.2012

Oktoberfest, bad idea..... you won't be able to drive the next day.

Norway wunderbar - Jack Panzica - 13.09.2012

Boat comes in later tonight. May have my car by 10 am , but you never know. However, just about sunset a good Fairy must have know about my concerns and this is what I saw

[Bild: Jan-Ivarbarn072.jpg]

RE: Dates of travel heading south to France - Thomas Engelhardt - 13.09.2012

Hi Jack,
I have seen that you come to Nuremberg on Saturday the 15th....
This sounds very good, because on Saturday evening there is a special Cruise-Night in Nuremberg, it' s called the Saturday-Nightcruise ( there are always between 200 and 250 American Cars, and at this saturday we have reporters and a camera team here from a big german TV Station it is called VOX TV...they make a movie about the here comes my question: would you come by please to the cruise? If you come by, this would be the highlight of the evening!!! The reporters will go crazy when they here your story with your trip to europe!
Please come by! I invide you to diner and everything else! If you have any questions i also send you a pn with my Hi Jack,
I have seen that you come to Nuremberg on Saturday the 15th....
This sounds very good, because on Saturday evening there is a special Cruise-Night in Nuremberg, it' s called the Saturday-Nightcruise ( there are always between 200 and 250 American Cars, and on this saturday we have reporters and a camera team here from a big german TV Station it is called VOX TV...they make a movie about the here comes my question: would you come by please to the cruise? If you come by, this would be the highlight of the evening!!! The reporters will go crazy when they here your story with your trip to europe!
Please come by! I invide you to diner and everything else! If you have any questions i also send you a pn with my phone number!
Btw: there are also many old Corvettes...

Best regards and hope to see you on saturday-evening!

Thomas Engelhardt and Marcus Mühlbauer

[quote]Original von Jack Panzica

I have worked out a travel Schedule for the Trip.

On Saturday (15th) I leave Berlin to head to Nuremberg area spend the day with forum membersphone number!
Btw: there are also many old Corvettes...

Best regards and hope to see you on saturday-evening!

Thomas Engelhardt and Marcus Mühlbauer

[quote]Original von Jack Panzica

I have worked out a travel Schedule for the Trip.

On Saturday (15th) I leave Berlin to head to Nuremberg area spend the day with forum members

RE: Dates of travel heading south to France - stocki26 - 13.09.2012

gelöscht, Datum und Termine verwechselt ...

Nice Invitation - 6TVette - 13.09.2012

Zitat:special Cruise-Night in Nuremberg


you should give your best to make it to that invitation on Saturday. Within a blink you'll be on nationwide German TV broadcast and be known all over Germany.

Have a good trip and remember for Autobahn riding always go back to the far right lane. Left lane is only for fast cars or to overtake. Never pass a car on the right lane. driver
It's a little bit different to what you're used to.

RE: Nice Invitation - Yankeededandy - 14.09.2012

I guess Jack is busy picking up his car Feixen


After you made yourself famous on German TV and hit Switzerland, you're welcome to stay at my home, if you don't mind sleeping on an improvised bed in the living room. I'll be free on Tuesday to show you around Switzerland if you like.


- chevyunger - 14.09.2012

Jack hat sein Auto aus dem Container und ist gut in Berlin angekommen!

- Porter - 14.09.2012

Great, thanks for hosting him OK!

Hallo-gruen , ...........

- Frama01 - 14.09.2012

Einfach Klasse! Yeeah!
It's great Jack.
I enjoyed it very much to meet you today and to have a nice evening with you.
I wish you a good journey and good luck.
Greetings from Red-Bat.