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Storage in Kaiserslautern? - Druckversion

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Storage in Kaiserslautern? - armybyrd - 01.12.2010

Ive been told theres a storage area in Kaiserslautern but havent been able to find out any contact info for them. I need to put my Vette in storage asap, does anyone know of this storage place??

- vc4rider - 01.12.2010

- JR - 01.12.2010


Zitat:-Sie zahlen bei Mietvertragsabschluss nur 1 x Maklercourtage zzgl. Mehrwertsteuer, egal wie viele Objekte Sie sich angeschaut haben;
-Sollten wir keine geeignete Wohnung oder Haus für Sie finden, zahlen Sie selbstverständlich auch keinerlei Bearbeitungsgebühr oder ähnliches;

Wie krass ist das denn: Herausstellen, dass das Anschauen von Mietobjekten keine Provision kostet.

mit kopfschüttelndem Gruß


- armybyrd - 01.12.2010

I tried translated the replies but not well enough for me to really understand. Can anyone translate the contact info for the storage place, address, and how much the storage is and the size?

- Mikey - 01.12.2010

The storage is a garage in KL. Contact details and phone are described in the text section of the link provided by vc4rider above.

This is the contact details:
Für Fragen bezüglich unserer Mietobjekte stehen Ihnen unsere Mitarbeiterinnen Anke Berger (Mo. - Fr. 9.00 Uhr - 12.00 Uhr) und Cristina Barreto (Mo. - Fr. 14.00 - 17.00 Uhr) unter den Telefonnummern 0631-3610-134 oder -138 gerne zur Verfügung.

Cost is 50Eur/month + one time fees for the realty agency.

- armybyrd - 01.12.2010

Is this a commerical storage spot or someone renting out their personal garage? Sorry if thats a stupid question. lol Anyways Ill definitely give them a call in the morning. Has anyone had any experience with any storage areas?

- Frank the Judge - 01.12.2010

It is a commercial spot in the center of Kaiserslautern.

The lease is 50 Euro a month.
Broker's Commission is 50 Euro as well.

Experiences with rented places can be from very good to Osama. Anyway you have to check the location by viewing.

- JR - 01.12.2010

Sorry, Frank, but commission is 75 Euro + VAT.



- armybyrd - 01.12.2010

Im guessing commission is the one time fee? What is VAT?

- C2 Fan - 01.12.2010

Its value added tax or sales tax.

The commision is the one time fee for the broker.